British photographer Car Warner created a serie of

photos utilizing food as scenarii.the images shows

underwater caves, forests, beaches, sun ans cascades

 using fruits, vegetables and cheese.




To get the depth, photos are taken on 1.2 x2.4 meters tables.

 Moreover, dishes are disposed in layers to avoid having

the food collapsing before the end of the shooting.





Carl Warner, the photographer, declare his incapacity

 to convince his kids to eat vegetables.


















 Ham, cart of cressin on

road of salami boarded

 by trees of bacon.



 Main composants :

Ham : sky, mountains and river.
Bread : rocks.
Cressin : house walls and bridge. Salami : roof of the house.

 Alpine scene , made of cressin, ham,

 mortadella, pincetta and bread.



Aren’t you hungry yet ??


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